Sunday, April 17, 2011


We are so proud and amazed that our little girl is on the move.  Considering the challenges she faces we are so pleased she's up and about at 15 months.

Monday, April 4, 2011

New Photos!

Joni does actually smile and laugh a lot throughout the day but when the camera comes out she gets confused.  The only way to capture her smile is to catch her having fun without her noticing...that's impossible for me as she monitors my every move but I will solicit Scott's help for the next photo shoot.  Our beautiful Oakley celebrated her sixth birthday on the 19th of this month.  We are so grateful for her spirit and mind.  She has been the greatest big sister to both Colston and Joni.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

"How are you all doing?"

I get this question a lot these days and I know what people want to know is how is Joni and the adjustment going.  I apologize to my faithful blog followers for my long absence.  It is difficult to answer this question and I want to accurately portray things.  I finally feel able to do that so here goes...We are doing well.  Joni is awesome, easy going, has a lovely personality, eats well (basically anything and everything she can get her hands on), sleeps well (14hr./day) and can now blow kisses, wave bye, and sign "more" (but I think she thinks it's the sign for "food").  Oakley and Colston adore her and she has finally let them into her world.  She still is wary of Colston and I suspect there was an aggressive child in her orphanage that makes her fear his gentle touches and attempts to snuggle.  Although she still prefers me she is also at the point with Scott that she smiles when he comes home, reaches out for a pick-up, will allow him to do all the care taking stuff, and I can actually leave her in his care.  Everyone here has been charmed by Joni and they've gotten a chance to see how far she's come and blossomed into this fun little girl.  They wait patiently for the time she is less shy and more willing to engage but I know it will come soon.  The doctor gave her a clean bill of health except for possible anemia (most likely due to her orphanage diet) and itchy skin (either eczema or an allergy).  We also saw a specialist to deal with her limb difference and he also gave a good report, the most difficult thing we will have to deal with is finding her shoes that fit!  We don't have to see him again until November.  Her official "certificate of citizenship" came in this week, very exciting! 

So the hard part is that she is still pretty clingy and fearful and fussy at strange moments and still hasn't said a word yet (she babbles a lot though).  Are all these things stuff I expected six weeks from "gotcha" day...yes.  Does that make it easier to handle when you have two other children with needs and a husband and house to care  I've just accepted that things are going to be hard right now.  My day to day tasks aren't impossible but I find my attitude and moods swing around a bit.  So I'm trying to lean on God each day, take some "me" time, and do a lot of repentance and confession. I am weak but that's okay because He is strong.

So that's basically how we are doing.  Next post..."Do you love her the same as your biological children?"