Friday, December 17, 2010

Introducing Yayan!

Our RA/LOA (Referral Acceptance/Letter Of Aceptance) just arrived today!  This means two things...we can apply for our TA (Travel Apointment) in time to travel in February at the latest (and I DO NOT have to renew our home study for the fourth time) and I can finally post pictures of our daughter.  If this is the first time you are checking out this blog, scroll down to my "Referral!" post to find out more details.  I am in awe of how wonderful God has been to us and approaching this Christmas season with a whole new level of gratitude and understanding what it means to be loved by Jesus and others. 

By the way, the first photo has been edited by my awesome brother John.  I'm sure you will spot it.


  1. I saw your post on RQ. Congrats on your cutie-patootie of a daughter! Love your referral post. God bless you.

  2. Praise the Lord!! Congratulations Scott and Lynne, your daughter is beautiful and will fit perfectly into the Prinzing clan!!

  3. Lynn this is so exciting! Congratulations!!!!

  4. Her smile just makes everything about her light up! What a sweetie! Come on, fast TA!

  5. She is adorable! And I love the photo editing there!! Caught it! :) Congratulations on your daughter!!
