Thursday, January 20, 2011

Going Public

The original intent of this blog was to keep close family and friends (which I have been blessed with a lot of) updated on the happenings of our adoption and to have a record of sorts to give to our daughter of the days leading up to her joining our family.  I have since decided to go public with the blog and even go so far as to post it on Facebook.  My motivation for this is not to get the "oh you're such a good person for doing this" or "she's so lucky to have you" comments.  Although people mean well when they say these things I don't actually believe them to be true.  I am just the average mom and Joni is NOT lucky...she has been abandoned, was born with a visible special need, has spent her first year in an orphanage, will be removed from her comfort zone and culture and will most likely never know anything about her biological family.  Yes, I do believe we will provide her with a loving home, education, future, etc. that millions of other orphans will not get but let's be honest...any healthy American born into a loving family is much more "lucky" then Joni.  God is redeeming a sad situation and because of that our family and Joni will be blessed through adoption.

So my point of this entry is to say that the intent of making my blog public is to advocate.  First for the orphan.  So many are unaware of the global orphan crisis.  To grow up without a family greatly increases your chances of drug use, criminal behavior, mental issues, prostitution, gang membership, vulnerability to child trafficking, and a host of other horrible outcomes.  But mostly it is just a very sad, lonely, isolating life.  Second I am advocating for adoption.  Although international adoption is NOT the answer to the global orphan crisis (this topic deserves an entry in itself, maybe later) it is the best option for some orphans.  Orphans like Joni who because of her special need, the country/culture she lives in, and the amount of available healthy orphans in China, international adoption is her best chance of living a good life.  Perhaps if I am honest and authentic here, during my journey, someone...somewhere will read this and think, "hey, I have the space in my heart and home for an orphan."  Maybe, just maybe, my words will move them from consideration to active pursuit.  Not all families are meant to adopt, but I think more should consider it.  Finally I'm advocating for EVERYONE to find their passion, their burden for others, and go do something about it.  I don't know why but I really feel part of my purpose here on earth is to care about the orphan, through my job, through my church, through our adoption.  Perhaps some of you still don't know what your passion is, I didn't know mine until after college, but take some time to find out what it is and go, get moving!  Feed the homeless, teach those music lessons, work towards racial reconciliation, clean up the ocean, change this world and give up your life to God and for your fellow man.  Because it's there your life will be found.         


  1. I love your blog! I also wanted to thank you for such a heart felt reply to my message on WAGI. It really made me feel tons better. Thank you for the encouragement!

    I can't wait to follow your journey to Joni. She is precious. I can't wait for you to travel to get her!

    Thanks again!

  2. Thank you for sharing. I am learning so much through your experience....( On many levels)...:)
    And know God has big plans, and so excited to watch them unfold.
