Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 3 Summary and Pre-baby Thoughts

It's 5:30am here in Beijing. I woke up at 3:45am and couldn't go back to sleep once my brain remembered that today is the day we get Joni. Yesterday was another packed but wonderful day. We attended a Sunday morning church service at Beijing International Christian Fellowship. You had to show your passport at the door because only ex-pats/visitors allowed, no Chinese nationals. It was conducted in English but there were peoples of all nationalities present. I recognized most of the songs and Pastor Davis preached on recognizing and being a part of ushering in the kingdom. I have a feeling I am going to feel that presence of God and His kingdom very acutely today. Afterwards we drove out to a Jade factory, enjoyed a traditional lunch (complete with a shot of the local liquior, a version of rice wine that was 56% proof...burned my mouth and throat and I think I grew a chest hair). Then on to the Great Wall. It was my second time being on it and yet I was still amazed at this man-made wonder. Again we had a cold day. The government apparently seeded the clouds and caused it to snow the night before. They think the moisture helps to prevent illnesses or maybe it is for agricultural purposes, or maybe that's just a bunch of made up talk. Who knows? We didn't climb very high (Denise I only made it far as last time but I wanted to get to where you had...I guess I should start working out for next time). The air was so cold it made you cough to breath deep. We had an early dumpling dinner and then attended an acrobatic show. WOW, that was the only thing that could have possibly kept me awake until 8:30pm. Truly amazing stuff and you can tell they've trained hard for their entire lives.

I have to go now. We leave in five minutes to go downstairs and catch a plane to Guangzhou. We could receive Joni anytime upon arriving at our next hotel. We're about to step in to a whole new phase of our life and completely change the dynamic of our family. I don't feel too nervous yet. Just very excited and jittery. It's all in His hands. I will try to post and put up pictures ASAP but I'm not sure when that opportunity will come.

Here we GO!!!!!


  1. So exciting! Thanks for sharing.

  2. This is your Mom and Dad. We're using Amy's computer to keep track of your fantastic journey. We're now anxiously anticipating the most special news that we could anticipate. A normal delivery was never like this! Our prayers are with you and for you. Happy Valentines Day. Love, Mom and Dad

  3. It is 11:14pm here in Florida which means you might have Joni in your arms!! Praying for you and Joni...

  4. I hope that you are holding her!! Happy Happy Valentines day!
    Praying for All of you!!

  5. Hi! I checked out your blog after seeing a post on RQ about limb difference. We are in the process of adopting a lil boy from Hunan with limb difference. By chance are you with America World? We went with them for our last adoption in 2009 and I had a hunch as soon as I read about you going to the BICF. Are your guides Maggie and Rosa or Sherry and Lineker? Hang in there, you're almost home! :)
