Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday's Events

It's 7:30 am here in Guangzhou.  The good news is yesterday there was no rain and it was actually bright for a time.  Most of our paperwork/tasks for the adoption are complete until we go to pick up her US Visa.  So we spent the day shopping at Shamain Island (a small island that used to be occupied by French/British that has all the touristy markets, western buildings, & food).  After Joni's nap we explored this huge park near out hotel.  It might even be bigger then Central Park.  It was very beautiful and I hope to go back again before we leave.  Scott and I clocked a lot of miles on foot and since Joni freaks out in the stroller I held her in my front carrier.  She's only 18 lbs. but after a while even that gets heavy so please pray for my back.  Thankfully she feels comfortable with Scott holding her now so we cane take turns.  Today we do some more shopping but I'm not sure what else we have planned.  Although we are trying to enjoy each minute here in this wonderful country, we are really missing home and our family.  I wish the kids could be here with us but I know this time devoted solely to Joni is really beneficial to her.  It is best she bonds with both of us and feels comfortable in our care before we bring her into the craziness of Oakley and Colston sibling-love.
Still we are feeling ready to leave and look forward to the day we are all snuggling together on our couch at home.

1 comment:

  1. Just thinking about the Prinzings today. Excited to see oakley and meet colston and joni in june!..the indiana Lees
