Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Feb. 15th Post

Today was a chill day.  We got up, Skyped with the family back home (it was SO good to see my two babies at home) and introduced them to the newest member, and went to breakfast.  Joni is not so adventurous when it comes to eating.  I can tell her diet was limited to formula, rice cereal (which they mix into the formula and put into a bottle) and congee (a rice soup).  She has decided that Cheerios are yummy and yogurt puffs, but didn't really go for the fruit.  I'm going to keep trying though because we need to fatten her up, she's more like a six month old then an almost 14 months old.  After breakfast we went back to the Civil Affairs office to finish up some paperwork and conduct our interviews with the provincial adoption officials and the notary.  The questions were easy and the atmosphere laid back, nothing to worry about for all of you who are adopting soon.  Our guide here in Guangzhou is named Lee.  She is nice and very competent.  After we got back we had nothing else planned on the schedule.  Since the weather is yucky out (40s and raining) and Joni has some congestion, we decided to just stay in and take it easy.  She is so good at just playing by herself with a few toys.  She sits up and does a type of crawling to get around (on her feet not her knees) but no walking or standing on her own yet.  She's VERY quiet so far, hardly makes a noise.  I gave her a bath today but she wasn't very keen on it.  She allowed Scott to hold and touch her today as long as I was close, but then later got upset when he sat beside her on the bed.  Still, I think we are making progress.  We also got a few more smiles and giggles out of her, our Joni is ticklish!

Praise and Prayer:  She is taking her bottle although it doesn't exactly look like she's enjoying it much, she pooped today!, she's warming slowly up to Scott / pray for her congestion, she seems to have an itchy rash on her upper back and side of her face, she still wakes up upset like it hits her again what has happened to her 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Glad to hear she is making a smooth adjustment!

  3. Lynne, so glad to hear everything is going well. Will keep the prayers coming!


  4. Glad to hear your interview was uneventful -- our interview in Xi'an with the officer was really hard. So, I don't think it's always such a breeze. We were happy when it was over!

  5. Wow, she's making huge progress so so quickly! Again, thank you so much for sharing your journey!
