Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wed. and Thurs.

Yesterday was another day of being on our own for entertainment.  After a group picture Scott and I caught a cab to the new part of the city and just walked around.  If you are planning a trip soon I suggest researching things to do in your province and Guangzhou.  Then on your free time you can just go to the concierge and they will write down your desired destination on a card that you can give to a cab driver.  Cabs are so cheap here it's great.  I pretty much knew what to expect on this trip but I didn't realize how much free time we'd have and also didn't expect the awful weather.  So we've been pretty bored.  Scott was pacing the room like a tiger in a cage the other night.  I'm content to be in the room and read/watch movies but even I'm getting a little antsy.  Thankfully we leave for Hong Kong this afternoon on a van with the other families.  I think it's about a three hour drive and we should arrive by 7pm.  It's a very cool city but this doesn't give us much time to explore (Joni goes to bed at 8pm).  I'll probably encourage Scott to venture out on his own since I've already seen it.  Then early Friday morning we fly home!  I'm not looking forward to the 15 hour flight with a baby on my lap but I am looking forward to going home. 

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