Friday, February 11, 2011

We're here in Beijing!

We've arrived safe and sound.  The plane ride was long but we filled it with movies, music, eating, reading and sleeping.  Can't complain since we had an extra seat between us...thank you God.  Our travel group members seem really nice and our guide Sherry seems amazing!  She's very funny and sweet and I want to adopt her as well.  After we checked in we walked around a bit and shopped at a Walmart equivalent for some snacks and then ate dinner at Pizza Hut.  Don't judge, we are eating nothing but authentic Chinese food for the next couple of days and also we didn't have a guide with us so it was the safe and smart option.

I'm sure your (whoever you are) looking for some profound, emotive post about how we will be meeting our third child in less then 48 hours but honestly we are both beyond exhaustion.  Must sleep now.

Keep those prayers coming, bless you all!


  1. Glad to hear you have made it there safe and sound. =]

  2. Praying for you guys! Hope you didn't OD on the cheese at Pizza Hut.

  3. Yes, I am patiently (not) waiting. But get your sleep!
    I'm so so excited for your family!
